Mandatory introductory post

It seems that everyone is having a personal development-blog nowadays, so I thought I might as well give it a shot too.

My name is Nils Lück and I am a software developer currently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark. I work as a .NET (C#) developer, but my interests span more widely. Specifically, I enjoy functional programming, simplistic software design, and programming languages in general.

As a fair warning, I plan on writing about things I like and the things I don’t. You might agree or not, but please note that this simply reflects my own thoughts and opinions.

Until I actually write something useful’ish, feel free to follow me on GitHub.

Oh, and I am positively surprised that Jekyll supports syntax highlighting out-of-the-box:

let rec map mapping xs =
    match xs with
    | x :: xs' -> mapping x :: map mapping xs'
    | [] -> []